
carniMOR Health - carniLYTES Electrolyte Powder

Carnivore Diet Supplements, News, Recipes, and More.


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The Carnivore Diet

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"I've had countless people reach out to me telling me that their autoimmune symptoms have gone down, that their depression has gone away, that their anxiety has gone away"

Mikhaila Peterson

"When you're eating nothing but meat, you're getting all of your essential amino acids, all of your essential fatty acids, and you're getting all of your vitamins and minerals"

Joe Rogan

"The carnivore diet is the ultimate elimination diet. You're eliminating all the garbage, and you're left with the best food possible"

Shawn Baker

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The carnivore diet is a highly restrictive dietary approach that involves consuming only animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. It excludes all plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Proponents of the carnivore diet argue that it can improve various health conditions and promote weight loss by eliminating potentially harmful foods and maximizing nutrient intake. However, the carnivore diet is highly controversial and not supported by mainstream health organizations due to concerns about nutrient deficiencies, gastrointestinal problems, and long-term health risks. It is important to note that the carnivore diet is not suitable for everyone and should only be undertaken under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Low-carb diets have been shown to be effective for weight loss, improving blood sugar control, reducing inflammation, and lowering the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. By reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing consumption of protein and healthy fats, low-carb diets can help regulate blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, leading to more stable energy levels and fewer cravings. Low-carb diets can also promote fat burning and decrease hunger, which may lead to a reduction in overall calorie intake. It is important to note that low-carb diets may not be appropriate for everyone and should be undertaken under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for individuals with certain medical conditions or nutrient deficiencies.

The ketogenic (keto) diet and carnivore diet are both low-carbohydrate diets, but there are some important differences between them. The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high-fat diet that typically allows for up to 20-50 grams of carbohydrates per day, with the rest of the calories coming from fat and protein. The goal of the keto diet is to induce a state of ketosis, in which the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. To achieve this, the diet includes high-fat foods such as oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty meats, as well as moderate amounts of protein from meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. In contrast, the carnivore diet is a more extreme form of a low-carbohydrate diet that eliminates all plant-based foods and relies solely on animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. The goal of the carnivore diet is to maximize nutrient intake while minimizing potential irritants from plant-based foods. While both diets are low in carbohydrates and can promote weight loss and improved blood sugar control, the carnivore diet is more restrictive and may increase the risk of certain nutrient deficiencies due to the exclusion of plant-based foods. The keto diet allows for a wider variety of food choices and can be more sustainable in the long term. However, it is important to note that both diets may not be appropriate for everyone and should be undertaken under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

On the carnivore diet, the primary source of nutrition comes from animal products. Here are some of the best meats to eat on the carnivore diet: Beef: Beef is a staple of the carnivore diet, as it is a good source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Pork: Pork is another good source of protein and healthy fats, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Lamb: Lamb is a nutrient-dense meat that is high in protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals such as iron and vitamin B12. Chicken: Chicken is a good source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients such as niacin and vitamin B6. Fish: Fish is a good source of protein and healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health and brain function. Organ meats: Organ meats such as liver, heart, and kidney are highly nutritious and provide important nutrients such as iron, vitamin A, and folate. It is important to choose high-quality, grass-fed, and/or organic meats whenever possible to minimize exposure to hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful additives.