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Carnivore Diet Supplements, News, Recipes, and More.


131 Jake May Drive
Wendell, NC


Moo-ve Over Keto, Here Comes the Carnivore Diet!

The following is a guest post:

Have you heard of the Carnivore Diet? It’s a popular new diet that has gained traction over the past year or so, and it’s definitely worth considering if you’re looking to make some changes to your nutrition plan. The man behind the diet is Shawn Baker, an ultra-endurance athlete whose book “The Carnivore Diet” [Amazon] promises to help readers lose weight, gain muscle, and reduce their risk of chronic diseases. Let’s take a closer look at what this diet is all about.

What Is The Carnivore Diet?

Simply put, the Carnivore Diet entails eating only animal products—no fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, etc. This means that meat (including organ meats), fish, eggs and dairy are fair game. Depending on how strictly you adhere to the diet (there are varying levels of intensity), you can also include some processed items like sugar-free bacon or sausage links and cheese crisps.

In his book “The Carnivore Diet,” Shawn Baker argues that eliminating plant foods from your diet could be beneficial for health in many ways. For example, he cites research to suggest that reducing carbohydrate intake can have positive effects on blood sugar regulation and weight management. He also claims that eliminating plant foods could reduce inflammation in the body and improve overall gut health by cutting out potential allergens such as gluten found in grains and legumes.

Though there is limited scientific evidence available to back up Baker’s claims about the efficacy of this type of diet (most studies have been done on rodents), his personal experience—he has been following a carnivorous lifestyle since 2017—and anecdotal reports from others who have tried it do support its potential benefits. In addition to improved energy levels and mental clarity due to eating high-quality animal proteins as well as enhanced physical performance due to increased fat burning abilities from reduced carb intake (a process known as ketosis).


Shawn Baker’s “The Carnivore Diet” [Amazon] makes compelling arguments for why a carnivorous lifestyle could be beneficial for both health and fitness goals. While more research needs to be done before we can say definitively if this type of extreme eating plan is safe or effective in the long term, there appears to be some promise here for those looking for an alternative approach to nutrition. If you’re interested in reading more about it or taking it for a spin yourself, pick up a copy of Shawn Baker’s book today! You won’t regret giving it a moo! (sorry…we had too!)